Montalivet, France - 2007.
dimanche 19 décembre 2010
jeudi 16 décembre 2010
jeudi 9 décembre 2010
Pics I Love
Bloqué à Tokyo (pour cause de neige à Paris), je démarre une petite série sur mes Photos préférées.
Il faut juste que je mette la main sur un lien de l'auteur...
Let's start with Newton que j'apprécie autant que je déteste - inexplicable for now.
Il faut juste que je mette la main sur un lien de l'auteur...
Let's start with Newton que j'apprécie autant que je déteste - inexplicable for now.
dimanche 5 décembre 2010
samedi 4 décembre 2010
Shoot today - parfois je ne peux simplement pas attendre que le temps confirme mes choix.
Going to the White Room
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
vendredi 3 décembre 2010
Cette photo a connue un destin particulier: être ma favorite indéniable pour la couverture du livre Distance(s).
Je souhaitais la montrer simplement ici, sans texte, sans tranche ni autres pliures gênantes.
Justice & Reconnaissance.
Je souhaitais la montrer simplement ici, sans texte, sans tranche ni autres pliures gênantes.
Justice & Reconnaissance.
Montalivet, France - 2009.
mercredi 1 décembre 2010
Vraiment pas!
J'aurai dû me taire, ne rien dire. 15°C en moins en 24 heures - neige en prime.
Aussi, il y avait longtemps que ces lumières bleues me titillaient les rétines. Il me manquait justement qu'un peu de neige pour une ambiance givrée.
Positiver, souvent, il faut.
Aussi, il y avait longtemps que ces lumières bleues me titillaient les rétines. Il me manquait justement qu'un peu de neige pour une ambiance givrée.
Positiver, souvent, il faut.
samedi 27 novembre 2010
Pas raisonable
Réchauffement ou pas, il fait un temps magnifique, enfin au moins ici.
Plage avec baignade fin Novembre, j'ai pas souvenir de telles conditions dans la bande des 40°N (de latitude). En attendant une claque froide et sèche!
Plage avec baignade fin Novembre, j'ai pas souvenir de telles conditions dans la bande des 40°N (de latitude). En attendant une claque froide et sèche!
Rokkasho, Japon - (Nov.) 2010!
lundi 22 novembre 2010
Il y a des choses que l'on ne peut faire sans outil. L'esprit nous balance ses idées souvent peu pragmatiques, à nous de trouver le moyen, l'astuce pour créer des trucs pareils.
Sur ce coup j'ai décroché - ce sera d'un coup de baguette maudite!
Oh grand PS - crtl-C / crtl-V - pinceau de feu et couche overlay - je vous implore.
et pouf!
Sur ce coup j'ai décroché - ce sera d'un coup de baguette maudite!
Oh grand PS - crtl-C / crtl-V - pinceau de feu et couche overlay - je vous implore.
et pouf!
ALOLICRIS III, France - 2010.
« S'il n'y a pas de solution, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème. » Les Shadoks.
dimanche 21 novembre 2010
H or V
Too tired to decide between the Horizontal and the Vertical versions - will see later.
And what's about u?
Let me know.
And what's about u?
Let me know.
ALOLICRIS III, France - 2010.
samedi 20 novembre 2010
C'est grave Docteur?
I like color more and more. This is a fact.
Something has changed, somewhere in my head, something has reached a threshold and drives me to somewhere else. Let's be honest, I was fighting against this tendency since a while. This strong and tempting wave has reached my nice beach, my sweet and quiet place is now flat clean, the water has blurred sand figures and beliefs. I better get seated in front of such cataclysm, a drop of cold sweat runs along my spine. No misfortune, things must change but sometime they do.
Something has changed, somewhere in my head, something has reached a threshold and drives me to somewhere else. Let's be honest, I was fighting against this tendency since a while. This strong and tempting wave has reached my nice beach, my sweet and quiet place is now flat clean, the water has blurred sand figures and beliefs. I better get seated in front of such cataclysm, a drop of cold sweat runs along my spine. No misfortune, things must change but sometime they do.
Light fishing
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
PS: This November is incredible, snow two days ago and 15°C this evening along the shore.
lundi 8 novembre 2010
This network is FaceLess!
My account has been erased without any personal contact (email, message, phone call...) nope.
Well, so this blog is the place to get information and see new pics.
My account has been erased without any personal contact (email, message, phone call...) nope.
Well, so this blog is the place to get information and see new pics.
samedi 30 octobre 2010
mercredi 27 octobre 2010
Rencontre du 3ème type
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
I love when great souvenirs show up like this and a photograph idea jumps into my brain!
I love when great souvenirs show up like this and a photograph idea jumps into my brain!
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
lundi 25 octobre 2010
Last day of the Summer
or I should say "Last Shadow of the Summer"...
Believe it or not - Snow is coming... tomorrow.
Believe it or not - Snow is coming... tomorrow.
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
samedi 16 octobre 2010
Distance(s) monograph is now available on AMAZON.COM - Signed copies!
Great for Worldwide Customers (including Japan).
Direct link here
Great for Worldwide Customers (including Japan).
Direct link here
Okinawa, Japan - 2008.
mercredi 13 octobre 2010
lundi 11 octobre 2010
L'Ange noir
There are places and lights pushing me to the dark side: Possession, Power, Violence rise up and my Muse becomes my Dark Angel then.
Mutsu, Japan - 2010.
dimanche 10 octobre 2010
So many why
Why do I am always looking for unexpected things?
Like u coming and starting to dance in front of blurry stars...
Like u coming and starting to dance in front of blurry stars...
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
samedi 9 octobre 2010
My light
In the middle of turning times, lost in Darkness, I will just simply follow my light.
Have Visions, Photograph some & hold a large Print in my hands - Nothing Else Matters.
Have Visions, Photograph some & hold a large Print in my hands - Nothing Else Matters.
Mutsu, Japan - 2010.
mercredi 6 octobre 2010
No more hits
I have decided to cancel my account on several web sites. I need to get focused & save time.
What is the point to have 300 000 visits in few years (DeviantArt for example), about 1000 comments saying "I like this pic" or "nice breast!" and only 2 interesting exchanges! If one want to see 500 pics of naked girls a day well, I don't want my photographs to be in this bunch - no point.
I have strong believe in my photography work - I put a lot of myself into it - It became a way-of-living - I enjoy so much doing it and having my prints in my hands after all. Of course, maybe only very few will like it too - this is fine - I fully understand if there are not interesting for most but I understand now that I have run after stupid numbers of hits (or visits, clicks...).
I don't know yet about Facebook... I don't want to spread photos everywhere anymore. My webpage and this blog should be enough...
What is the point to have 300 000 visits in few years (DeviantArt for example), about 1000 comments saying "I like this pic" or "nice breast!" and only 2 interesting exchanges! If one want to see 500 pics of naked girls a day well, I don't want my photographs to be in this bunch - no point.
I have strong believe in my photography work - I put a lot of myself into it - It became a way-of-living - I enjoy so much doing it and having my prints in my hands after all. Of course, maybe only very few will like it too - this is fine - I fully understand if there are not interesting for most but I understand now that I have run after stupid numbers of hits (or visits, clicks...).
I don't know yet about Facebook... I don't want to spread photos everywhere anymore. My webpage and this blog should be enough...
Melissa, Tokyo, Japan - 2010.
mardi 5 octobre 2010
dimanche 3 octobre 2010
after such Windsurf session, I want to invoke Amphitrite - with all my Love & Respect!
Porquerolles, France - 2010.
samedi 2 octobre 2010
PO - I love u!
Windsurf - the lake is fine for training but time-to-time I need to get more, so when the right wind shows up - Pacific Ocean I will show u my love!
No Nude today... sure later...
jeudi 30 septembre 2010
Collaborative selection for an Exhibition
--- I need your HELP! ---
for a collaborative preparation of an Exhibition!
If you have 5 mins in front, click here:
--- J'ai besoin de votre AIDE! ---
pour une préparation collaborative d'une exposition.
Si vous avez 5mins, cliquez ici:
Porquerolles, France - 2010.
mercredi 29 septembre 2010
mardi 28 septembre 2010
Back Home (again)
I am finally back home after a long and busy week and half out.
Many nice things happened.
I had a nice WE with my sister in Provence,
I met Xerxes (Tendre Bulle) and Chris Saint James (Univers d'Artistes). Two incredibly passionated persons, full of energy - I admire their respective efforts on their everyday life!
Work hard in Madrid (without a single free slot for shooting...) but good progresses have been made.
Had appointments in few FNAC (Paris) for the promotion of Distance(s)
and finally went to theater (with Jérôme and nice friends) before flying the new and impressive A380.
but now I want to stay here - tie me please!
Many nice things happened.
I had a nice WE with my sister in Provence,
I met Xerxes (Tendre Bulle) and Chris Saint James (Univers d'Artistes). Two incredibly passionated persons, full of energy - I admire their respective efforts on their everyday life!
Work hard in Madrid (without a single free slot for shooting...) but good progresses have been made.
Had appointments in few FNAC (Paris) for the promotion of Distance(s)
and finally went to theater (with Jérôme and nice friends) before flying the new and impressive A380.
but now I want to stay here - tie me please!
Montalivet, France -2010.
lundi 27 septembre 2010
Réponses PHOTO (Octobre 2010)
--- French ---
Critique du livre Distance(s) dans Réponses PHOTO n°223 (Octobre 2010) par Caroline Mallet.
PS: is back on line
Critique du livre Distance(s) dans Réponses PHOTO n°223 (Octobre 2010) par Caroline Mallet.
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Article p.33 |
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Couverture |
samedi 25 septembre 2010
vendredi 24 septembre 2010
jeudi 16 septembre 2010
mercredi 15 septembre 2010
On the road again
Leaving to Europe tomorrow: Marseille / Madrid / Paris and back Home.
Busy days and not one single shooting in front (so far)...
Busy days and not one single shooting in front (so far)...
Elwenne, Paris, France - 2009.
mardi 14 septembre 2010
lundi 13 septembre 2010
J'aime les commentaires détaillés!
Montalivet, France - 1999.
In French, extracted from DeviantArt today (translation if I find free time...):
-- xadner ---
Je trouve que la nudité dans ce type de contexte est aux antipodes du sexe brut qu'on développe un peu partout, et j'estime que la société devrait s'en servir pour éduquer les jeunes (et les vieux). Sur ce site, on voit que les stéréotypes ont la vie dure, et que seul un réel effort de désenclaver la nudité noble et naturelle du secteur épouvantable de la pornographie pourra mener à une meilleure appréhension de la vie en général. Et cette éducation est à faire et toujours à refaire, plutôt que de laisser les gens désemparés face à l'internet et ses torrents d'insanités que les gens finissent par prendre pour la normale.
C'est très agréable de naviguer dans votre page, comme une oasis dans le désert affectif
--- Me ---
Vaste sujet que la question de l'éducation surtout lorsqu'elle touche la nudité et le sexe.
Je ne parlerai donc que de moi-même; pour mes enfants cela est déjà plus compliqué...
La seule chose que j'essaie de m'apprendre est d'écouter ma propre sensibilité. C'est pratiquement une mission impossible mais vivre au milieu d'une culture différente, sans ressentir la pression sociale et évidement sans rien comprendre aux émissions TV ou autres flashes de pub aide énormément. Une douce et grisante impression de devenir fou, déconnecté.
Je n'ai rien envie de dire ou même de suggérer (au moins directement) à travers mes photos, je dis juste "voilà ce que j'aime, ce que je trouve intéressant, et vous?" Pour moi, c'est une source de réflexion et de plaisir de mieux me comprendre. Pour les autres, c'est des "informations" au milieu de tant d'autres. Après chacun fait son choix; cherche ce qu'il veut où il veut et comme il veut. Je pense avoir le même respect pour les amateurs de sexe brut que ceux émus par une mèche de cheveux qui vole... du moment qu'ils ont les yeux qui brillent quant ils en parlent!
dimanche 12 septembre 2010
12 September - already?
+1 more year of life for my biological part!
Anyway, feel still ok - I have my Angel close by.
Anyway, feel still ok - I have my Angel close by.
my Sea Angel
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
samedi 11 septembre 2010
New Pics - New info - Check it out!
Do I am doing more and more Portrait & Color?
Looks so.
Do I am doing more and more Portrait & Color?
Looks so.
Andernos, France - 2010.
dimanche 29 août 2010
Back to Rokkasho
Anne is back and she took back possession of the (empty) beach... under the moon.
Hot air / Hot water... 28°C / 24°C... @night!
Hot air / Hot water... 28°C / 24°C... @night!
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
lundi 23 août 2010
end of the Summer
not yet but getting close.
It has been a very intense and great time.
I have worked on the promotion of my new book (by the way available here, and so far), signed copies in library, exhibit at Montalivet with 3 others photographers and, of course, shoot a lot!
Her is a pic of this unexpected exhibition with (from the right) Jock Sturges, Regis Duvignau, Hervé Szydlowski and myself. 4 different vision of Nude photography - Nice "vernissage" - Special thanks to François Teulié who made it possible!
Too bad I bring only 13x19 prints with me in France!
It has been a very intense and great time.
I have worked on the promotion of my new book (by the way available here, and so far), signed copies in library, exhibit at Montalivet with 3 others photographers and, of course, shoot a lot!
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
Her is a pic of this unexpected exhibition with (from the right) Jock Sturges, Regis Duvignau, Hervé Szydlowski and myself. 4 different vision of Nude photography - Nice "vernissage" - Special thanks to François Teulié who made it possible!
Too bad I bring only 13x19 prints with me in France!
(from the right) Jock Sturges, Regis Duvignau, Hervé Szydlowski and myself, Montalivet, France - 2010.
vendredi 25 juin 2010
Vacations? not yet!
Summer is here.
I am looking for distributors in Japan - France and US for my book so vacations will just wait...
and, anyway, they will be full of loving&thinking&eating&shooting!
I am looking for distributors in Japan - France and US for my book so vacations will just wait...
and, anyway, they will be full of loving&thinking&eating&shooting!
Montalivet, France - 2004.
mardi 22 juin 2010
lundi 21 juin 2010
vendredi 21 mai 2010
Production of "Distance(s)"
I have spent a week in Shenzhen (China) following the production of my book.
It was a very great time, intense and interesting to see the conclusion of all the preparation efforts on paper!
Thanks to Joseph J. Pasky (who provided all the printing expertise) and Artron (the printer specialized in Art reproduction), I was impress by the level of quality. First the paper, Stora Enzo 200gsm is thick and nice with a very clean surface. Then, the quality control from the Photo profiles, via the plates productions, to the operator adjustments on press is awesome. They check (with spectrometer) all the starting pages and then one every few hundred along the production - very robust quality management. A minor error has happened during the cover printing and, with such processes, has been detected right away and fix. I have done the CMYK conversion myself it was such a pleasure to see details on the blacks on very challenging pics. Even the varnishing and lamination processes are perfect! Great work.
At the end, and after only few hours of sleep, they have prepared few book cases and all the signatures for me to validate - here they are!
It was a very great time, intense and interesting to see the conclusion of all the preparation efforts on paper!
Thanks to Joseph J. Pasky (who provided all the printing expertise) and Artron (the printer specialized in Art reproduction), I was impress by the level of quality. First the paper, Stora Enzo 200gsm is thick and nice with a very clean surface. Then, the quality control from the Photo profiles, via the plates productions, to the operator adjustments on press is awesome. They check (with spectrometer) all the starting pages and then one every few hundred along the production - very robust quality management. A minor error has happened during the cover printing and, with such processes, has been detected right away and fix. I have done the CMYK conversion myself it was such a pleasure to see details on the blacks on very challenging pics. Even the varnishing and lamination processes are perfect! Great work.
At the end, and after only few hours of sleep, they have prepared few book cases and all the signatures for me to validate - here they are!
Shenzhen, China - 2010.
lundi 10 mai 2010
vendredi 7 mai 2010
Wedding Anniversary
11 years! still alive, still in Love but completely corrupted!
I have given my soul to HEr.
I have given my soul to HEr.
Rokkasho, Japan - 2010.
vendredi 30 avril 2010
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