lundi 21 décembre 2009


Hisa shi bu ri (long time no see)

The book preparation just took all my time.

- All Photographs selected, scale and ready for conversion in CMYK (I removed all portraits)
- Book design with cover finished (minor adjustments are anyway foreseen)
- Content of the French text more or less decided
- (crude) English version available
- All quotes from printers received and compared
- ISBN requested
- Price chosen

Tonight - low resolution PDF!

Must be more than good, 2000 copies in front.
Keep cool Christophe...

Montalivet, France -2009.

mercredi 9 décembre 2009

Christmass Time!

In December 2009, now, you can order a hard cover version of my first Carnet "So_Kyla".
Taking opportunity of the Holliday deals, you can get one for less than $30 ($10 off) using the following codes (depending on your location):

Orders from the US (using US $):   GREATGIFT
Orders from UK (using UK £):   GREATGIFT2
Orders from EU (using EU €):   GREATGIFT3
Orders from AU (using AUD $):   GREATGIFT4

So_Kyla (Soft Cover version)

Blurry & Focus

Both Blurry & Focus in my mind now.

Paris, France - 2007.

mardi 8 décembre 2009

Busy WE & Monday

A lot of things done this past days, book work, Photo edition, shooting.
Melissa came over and we had great sessions at the Studio and in outdoor Onsen (under the snow).
She is nice and sweet; it was a pleasure to exchange about the Japan life and I learn some about Tattoos.

Melissa, Japan - 2009.

lundi 7 décembre 2009

Second publication in Carrie Leigh's Nude (Summer 2009)

I finally get my hands on the summer issue of the Carrie Leigh's Nude mag. (all sold out).
I have 4 pics published - Nice - I like to see and touch real paper.
And I have an extra copy for Elwenne (cf. Photo, Paris - France).
EGO / PROMOTION, the infernal loop...

Me, Rokkasho, Japan - 2009.

mercredi 2 décembre 2009


Too tired.

Bayonne, France - 1998.